Posted by admin on Aug 6th, 2022
Ibstock plc (LON:IBST – Get Rating) passed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of GBX 180.35 ($2.21) and traded as high as GBX 207 ($2.54). Ibstock shares last traded a
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BATON ROUGE, La. , Aug. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Precast concrete company Boykin Brothers is now Louisiana Concrete Products, a name change that reflects the company's strong legacy and future growth under new ownership and management.
The Louisiana Concrete Products acquisition was le
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Completed in August 2022, the new Robbinsdale Water Treatment Plant in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, provides the community with an increased water treatment capacity – and softer water. PENETRON ADMIX SB, a crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture, was specified to increase the durability of
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VANCOUVER, Wash. , Aug. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Northwest Pipe Company (NASDAQ: NWPX) (the "Company"), a leading manufacturer of water-related infrastructure including engineered pipeline systems and precast products, today announced
SNOQUALMIE PASS – Cross-state travel is going to be challenging for people who use Interstate 90 between North Bend and Ellensburg starting next week.
The Washington State Department of Transportation and contractor crews are repairing over a dozen bridge decks, widening lanes and repl
UK’s Network Rail has identified a site in Sandwell to build a new factory that will produce sleepers for the country's railways.
UK’s Network Rail has identified a site in Sandwell to build a new factory that will produce sleepers for the country's railways.
The railwa
Joe Aberdale will oversee the town’s highway and wastewater operations, cemeteries, waste transfer facility, and other town infrastructure.
Great Barrington — The town has announced that it has hired Housatonic resident Joe Aberdale as the town’s new Department of Public Works